Saturday, February 7, 2009

Amador Valley.

So this morning, i woke up at about 7:38 or something but fell back asleep, then my mom woke me up again ahaha. Got everything I needed & left. Got to Bethel and no one was even there. Kicked it for awhile, then Jenny was writing stuff on the whiteboard and me HP and Keith were hella repeating what she was writing as she was writing . Funny stuff. Ahaha. eeeiiiggghht coooolooooen thhreeee zeeerroooo. Ahahaha. did that for quite long time then we started to load the truck , and as soon as we were done loading everyone got into their cars but we just saw jason by himself, and no cars were moving ! we were hella stuck untill Dubee came then we left bethel , ate some chicharon, then got to Amador Valley , unloaded the truck & started warming up, Had some dirty runs here & there but it was only the first comp, so...yeaah. But When we were done practicing in the lot it was time to head to the gym . but right before we got inside we had a little meeting right outside the gym, and Dubee hit me hella hard with the bass mallet and i dont even think he realized he hit me that hard , shxt hurt hella bad. But when we got inside the gym unrolled the floor, and found out that it was sideways, so we had to flip it ,Hmm where have i seen that before? i know, DAYTON . ahaha well we flipped the floor , had a pretty good show for the first one ,i Think . So after the performance, I ate, Changed , & as soon as i was walking to the gym for awards, hella people were coming back and awards were over! i asked ,"How Did we place?" i heard ," Second!" i thought not that bad for an unfinished show . Ahaha. what would we have got if we had a clean finished show? =]
Well after all of that we decided to stay and watch Guard! So it was pretty cold so i put on my BLACK jacket, and Dubee, Chris ,Jason,And Hella other people was wearing black hoodies and we were hella jumping hella people . Ahaha the best one was jason, and Brucie. but after alla that fun, we kicked it hella more at the school , and it was time for Guard to perform . As they were performing me and Chris were like ," This show is intense ! AHH!" ahaha . but no lie Guard has a real intense show. Well me & Chris thought so =p
So After that it was time to go home, first thing i did when i got home was play Gears Of War 2, and CoD 4! =] yup played for awhile then hopped off got on the computer and here i am writing this blog at 11:46 p.m. Kinda tired kids so im gonna hop this now. Tomorow is a resting day . phew!
Goodnight & Godbless.

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