Saturday, January 17, 2009


So Today Woke up feeling pretty good, kinda tired .
got to school, stretched , ran, around school for a couple minutes then.
HILLS HAVE EYES. i knew i wasn't going to do well because i haven't done hills in like 2 weeks! So i was gonna be rusty. but couldn't stall. so the first one newbie started and i followed , but i was just playing! Kriselda was like," go Rice!" i said ," Naah im coo." JUST GO ! i was like Fxck it. so we started. The first one wasn't that bad but the second ? my legs started to feel like jello! on the second one i mean cmon! 2? well the second one was done and we had no time to rest! so we immediately started the 3rd one ! newbie asked," How many are we doing Jordan?" I heard " ALOT!" i was like HAIL NO! but we started the 3rd one and around the twisty part my chest had a really bad pain! i stopped for a second but kept going. few minutes later stopped again but this time i was on my knees. i heard," cmon Rice Keep going!" so i got up and kept going. but when me and newbie finished , as soon as we got to the bottom i collapsed ! Zer and Newbie said," Rice get up , if you lay down your gonna faint." but it was so hard to get up . i was exhausted.
Soon after we strapped on our drums and played warm-ups , the usual. 8's , Accent tap , Hemeola, and triplet diddle. and after that we went to the small gym. i was exited because we were gonna learn drill, but we didnt but at least we cleaned up some sections.
After practice was done i was getting a ride from Jennylin and we were almost to my house and then she said ," Wait ! i gotta get chapstick!" ugh! ahaha. so we went to walgreens , she got our chapstick and we were on our way. so i got home , ate dinner, played some xbox, then took a LONG ass HOT shower, played more xbox, and here i am making this blog. Well thats it kids. ill write more later. =]